Our Mission Statement

The purpose of the 4th Home of Christ English Ministry is to build an English-speaking, multi-ethnic youth and adult ministry that worships God in Spirit and in Truth resulting in personal transformation that impacts our community and world.

The following are guiding principles for us to reach our goals and fufill our purpose:

1.  We believe the Bible is inspired by God, inerrant, and will never be abolished. It is the criterion for our deeds, thought, life, and work

2.  We firmly believe our Home is the ever-living God’s church. Christ should always be our Head in order to manifest our bodily functions. All redeemed by Christ’s blood are members of our Home. Every family member should worship Jesus Christ.

3.  We measure the prosperity of our Church, not only by the number of people attending our Sunday Service, but also by the number of people serving God. We should lead and guide our weak members with visitation and care, giving them responsibility so everyone will participate in the ministry, and share all blessing bestowed by our Lord.

4.  We must insist our local church principles, based on self-establishing, self-preaching and self providing, and be responsible directly to God.

5.  We must preach the Gospel whether in season or out of season. Using Christ’s nature (life) as longitude, and the human’s nature (living) as latitude, we can inter-weave them into the unified Word of God and men. So our lives will influence our living and our living will reflect our lives with mutual proof and confirmation.

6.  Our hearts should hold Christ in reverence and put God in the first place. In every thought, every speech, every deed and every place, we are not thinking what might be gained by us, but what might be lost by Jesus Christ.

7.  We should always view others better than ourselves, and appreciate their good points, tolerate their short-comings, remember their favors and share in their difficulties; so every gift will be respected and gathered together for Christ’s use. Never up-lift someone, so he will not fail; never judge someone so I will not be depleted.

8.  We affirm that giving is more blessed than receiving. All material wealth is given by God, and should be shared with others. The more we give to others, the more God will give us. O do favors to others is to treat ourselves favorably.

9.  We must destroy the dividing wall between men, maintain spiritual communications, receive each other, be mutually obedient, and not leave space for evil one. We should not dispute about right or wrong, gratitude or grudge, and never compromise truth with hereby.

10.  Our Church’s door is always wide-open to the public. We neither fight for nor refuse new comers. Those who have the mindset of Christ and are concerned about the Father’s business, have the right to worship with us and to serve with us so we may glorify God and benefit men.